Australian Native Food and Botanicals (ANFAB) is the peak national body which represents all interests in the rapidly growing Australian native food and botanical industry.

ANFAB (previously operating as ANFIL - Australia Native Food Industry Limited) is the peak industry body representing the interests of people and businesses involved in the Native food and botanicals industry - traditional and new indigenous plant products. In 2017 we developed the trading name Australian Native Food & Botaincals (ANFAB) to better reflect the growing industry.

ANFAB is a not-for-profit organisation, with broad involvement in the development the native foods industry on a national scale. Encompassing national advocacy and lobbying on behalf of the industry, ANFAB has taken the lead in working with industry, federal and state governments and other organizations to determine and prioritise research and development and market development strategies required to progress the industry into the future.

Promoting the reputation of Australian native foods and botanicals, ANFAB works as an industry advocate, both nationally and internationally, in areas of critical importance such as FSANZ and CODEX classifications, food quality and safety, and research into the nutritional and functional benefits of Australian native foods.

ANFAB facilitates and promotes commercialisation activities, and liases with indigenous communities and organisations. It promotes dissemination of skills, knowledge and expertise among its members, and encourages individuals, associations, businesses and others interested in promoting the native food industry to get involved.


To be the recognised leader in delivering world-class research, development and marketing outcomes that benefit the Australian native food and botanicals industry.


ANFAB's mission is to deliver value to members by investing in initiatives that contribute to profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness of Australian native food and botanicals.

To grow our networks and strengthen working relationships with Traditional owners. By doing so connecting TO's to more income and ensuring they are the leaders in the food community.

To educate consumers on how to use these ingredients in their own homes. The only way for the industry to grow sustainably is for an extension of use to be outside of restaurants and foodservice.


To act as a body representative of the Industry and in particular to provide a channel for:

  • communication and representation at political levels as well as with relevant authorities, bodies and organisations relation to the management and/or regulatory control of the Industry;

  • liaison with indigenous communications and organisations in relation to the Industry;

  • any necessary public relations efforts in support of the Industry, including:

  • public information and education; and

  • promotion and protection of the Industry in Australia and overseas;

  • promotion and protection of the interests of Members;

  • undertaking (whether itself or in cooperation with other organisations) research, market development and product development projects for the Industry, particularly on a national basis;

To provide leadership and direction in relation to the maintenance, improvement and development of the standards of the Industry, including but not limited to:

  • pharmaceutical properties;

  • therapeutic properties;

  • intellectual property;

  • food safety;

  • labelling;

  • quality assurance;

  • consumer protection;

  • product definition; and

  • plant breeders rights,

  • relating to Industry processes, produce and products;

To act as a consulting and advisory body among its Members and in particular to:

  • inform its members of existing and proposed regulations and regulatory policy affecting the Industry;

  • encourage a sharing of information between its Members;

  • provide a forum for discussion of issues and other matters relevant to the Industry;

  • research, promote, provide and distribute information and education (whether itself or in cooperation with other organisations) on matters of interest to Members