Sells, Educates, Caters
South Australia /Clare Valley
Warndu has a mission of bringing Australian Native Food into every pantry.
Warndu means good in the Adnyamathanha language. We want you to feel good in knowing our products are nutritious, that they contribute to social good and add value to our environment whilst trying to protect it and our precious soils. We want to help you to create meaningful meals and by using our products contribute to growing our incredible Australian Native Food Industry. It does not get any more local and seasonal than working with what has grown here in this beautiful country of ours for 60,000 years.
Let’s use that knowledge, embrace it and all of its amazing plants, nuts, seeds and proteins and ask questions of its heritage, its place and its use. Just because generations before us thought that these foods were not good enough to eat, does not mean we have to bury our heads in the red earth and ignore it. Step up and fight for a better future for our next generation.