How to take action this Reconcilation Week
Whilst Reconciliation Week is important and should be celebrated, for me reconciliation should be daily. But instead of reconciliation I would like to use the word, ReconciliACTION. Because instead I would love you to think about how you in your lives, families and communities can take Action.

So, what does this Action look like?
At Warndu we believe food is the perfect platform to start your journey, to celebrate and embrace the rich histories that exist in our countries. Each seed, nut, leaf has a connection to language, place, country, and Nation. We would like each to be recognised and acknowledged not only for its flavour but what it may represent for each Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person.
Is it identity, family, community or part of a sophisticated system to maintain the health of land, sea, and waterways?
Share a meal with loved ones

My first call to Action is to share a meal with loved ones, celebrate two or more native ingredients and engage in conversation. There are so many easy, delicious recipes by us here at Warndu that we love to share with you. We hope you might give one a go this week and beyond…..
Australian First Nations Foods are fast becoming a major economy for Australia. Did you know these foods have been harvested, collected, and eaten in season in line with cultural histories for thousands of years by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identities? Australia as a collective Nation has a real opportunity to learn more about First Nations resources, by engaging in authentic experiences led by our experts.
Spend time on country

My second call to Action, share time on country with cultural experts and custodians of place. And if that is not an option, perhaps engage in a local community, cultural centre or activity that celebrates different forms of cultural expressions.
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023, Be a Voice for Generations, encourages all Australian’s to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives. It is a shared view that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experts and leaders have always had a Voice for Generations but not perhaps a non-Aboriginal audience that is ready to listen, reflect and be the difference.
Sadly, we still have a large audience in Australia that are not ready to accept First Nations perspectives, or a willingness to acknowledge or accept that we still live and work in communities that can be discriminative towards First Nations Peoples, across all generations.
Learn from the best
And finally to take Action, view a film or read a book by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person; Stan Grant, Rachel Perkins, Bruce Pascoe, Thomas Mayo or Marcia Langton, just to name a few incredible individuals.
Change can only happen if we elevate and respectfully consider the Voices of our leaders from remote, rural, regional, and metropolitan regions who understand what is required in context to their respective community.
So how will you take ReconciliACTION this Reconciliation Week?
with love & lemon myrtle,