UNESCO Year of Indigenous Languages #2019

Here’s a thought to sober you into the new year. There were around 250 languages spoken in Australia at the time of colonisation. These languages mapped the story, memory and song of the land and sea, and skies under which we are privileged to sit.
As a result (and often a direct policy) of the processes of colonisation, the majority of these are no longer in daily use. Most languages that remain are endangered. 2019 is the @unesco International Year of Indigenous Languages. There is profound work going on in Aboriginal language preservation, teaching and revitalisation. Supporting and promoting this work will be one of the most important things I do this year which is why I start learning Kuarna language tomorrow at Adelaide Uni. But this is everyone’s business. Aboriginal languages matter. Learn a language, or lend your voice to the efforts of your Countrymen and women. Let’s make the year count for something more than words. Palya.
#yearofindigenouslanguages #happynewyear2019
#language#indigenouslanguage #aboriginallanguages#unesco #unescoworldheritage
(Note: there are different language maps, none are perfect or definitive. The image here is of the AIATSIS map compiled by David Horton.)