Bringing back the Native Grass Flour

Damien Coulthard and Bruce Pascoe | Warndu Australian Native Food

On our recent stay at Bruce pascoe's farm we woke to the dancing Kangaroo grass. It was then we understood why it has been called the dancing grass. It has this pink tuft almost like a ballerina's tutu I remember thinking to myself at the time.

But when you understand its creation story and importance to our First Nations peoples from a nutrition perspective, then it really just makes you want to bake a loaf of bread for everyone and make it the norm.

40% more protein and I think its taste is absolutely delightful. Kind of like grassy nuts.

Kangaroo Grass | Warndu Australian Native Food

All about Native Grass

Black Duck Foods is an Aboriginal social enterprise that wants to influence the direction of Australian agriculture toward a more sustainable future, a more inclusive future for Aboriginal peoples and the introduction of our domesticated food products onto the market. Kangaroo grass and flour made from it being one of them.

As Bruce tells us, the old people harvested, propagated, nurtured, and processed a wide range of foods. They are working with the grains and tubers that held our soil together and promoted its fertility.

Bruce Pascoe with Kangaroo Grass | Warndu Australian Native Food

Australia’s post-colo­nial food sys­tem has seri­ous­ly degrad­ed the envi­ron­ment — a result of both the wil­ful and acci­den­tal neglect of the com­plex inter­con­nec­tions between food sys­tems and the wider ecosys­tem.

On Yuin Country they are working alongside, "Ganalay" (Mitchel) and "Bumbaali (Button) grass—the Gomeroi mobs’ language names for the two different grasses. The Mitchel & Button flour is a blend of the two which grow together in their grain fields at Yumburra.

These grasses tell a story of resilience and revival and celebration. Offering a simple yet meaningful culinary experience that connects people to the land and the rich history of Australia. They are higher in protein than introduced varieties and are a high source of essential amino acids. 

Try Native Grass Flour for yourself...

Aboriginal peoples have a rich history of being the first bakers, with a tradition of baking various types of bread and damper in unique and resourceful ways that pre-dates the use of grains for flour anywhere else on earth. Traditionally, the practice of bread-making involved collection of seasonal seeds, grain, legumes, roots or nuts, and the grinding of these into flour.

Try Rebecca's Kangaroo Grass Dutch Oven Damper recipe today! You can substitute the flour for a variety of grass blends, or mix it with your regular flour.

Rebecca Sullivan making Kangaroo Grass Damper | Warndu Australian Native Food

We are honoured to be one of very few people now selling the Native Grass Flour for you to use at home. It is more expensive than ordinary flours, but remember, whilst it's the oldest food in the world it's also the newest so while harvesting is super intensive and in short supply, the more we eat it the more this will become available. Also remember it packs nutrition and flavour so you need much less. Don't replace flour all together, rather use it with... And when you do share the story. 

Native Grass Flour may contain a mixture of Kangaroo and Spear, or Mitchell and Button grasses.

Black Duck Foods Kangaroo Grass Flour | Warndu Australian Native Food