Wildflowers - Tall Strawflower

Strawflowers resemble daisies in form with a ray of petals around a central disk, but unlike daisies, the petals are stiff and papery. In fact, they aren’t true petals at all, but modified leaves called bracts. The narrow green leaves and sturdy stems are covered in fine hairs.

Common Name: Strawflower, golden everlasting, mixed strawflowers

◎ Botanical Name: Xerochrysum bracteatum

Seasonality: All year fresh

Region: Hailing from tough areas in Australia, they can occasionally be found growing in very dry areas, sometimes even in pure sand. 

How to grow:

If you are planning on growing strawflower plants from seed, it is best to start a little earlier than usual. Generally, the ideal time is 6-8 weeks before the final frost date in your area. At this point seedlings can be placed outdoors in well-drained soil. In overly fertile soil, these plants can become overly lush and floppy. However, if planted in containers, they will appreciate occasional fertilizer to help encourage continuous blooms. When it comes to watering, it is best to keep plants on the drier side as too much moisture will lead to rot. For the best and brightest colors and the most floriferous display, be sure to plant in full sun.
In most regions gardeners can start strawflowers from seed each year. As an annual, the plant grows best in regions with hot summersPlant strawflower after the last frost date in your region. Regular deadheading the plant will keep the flowers blossoming during the growing season.
Warndu Australian Native | Wildflower Tall Strawflower

 © Photo courtesty of  Peter Krumhardt