Time to take your Aussie Native Vitamins...
Winter is here! Its time to load up on vitamins to keep the dreaded lurgy at bay....
I know that sometimes getting your does of vitamins and minerals is not as easy as five a day and that multi-vitamins, weather you believe in them or not are part and parcel of modern day life. Its safe to say that our chemists and supermarket aisles are chock full of every possible modern day miracle that exists but it can all be a little overwhelming and I would have no idea what works and doesn't.
Well we are here to make that a little easier for you. We know Davidson Plum is packed full of antioxidants and that Finger Lime contains Vitamin C, folate, Vitamins K and E. And we know they work. We take them when we feel run down, low in energy, coming down with a cold and when travelling and they work.
Sprinkled on breakfast, in juices and smoothies our Davidson plum and Finger Lime Powders are high quality, sourced by us from their Native country and we think you should give them a go too!